God is Still Faithful
Dear Friends - We are all living in trying times, but God is always faithful!
It is surreal to attempt to understand the magnitude of what is happening on every continent, in every country, in every city. It is truly too much to fathom...But God...He is still faithful!
Here in Ecuador, we have been on lock down since March 13th. A few days later, all non-essential businesses were ordered to close. The entire country is trying to simply survive. We are trying to be the hands and feet of Christ by providing support and food for our immediate neighbors and the communities of Rocafuerte and Esmeraldas. Most of the Ecuadorian population relies on daily income from parking cars, washing windows, selling fruits/veggies on the streets etc. and many are struggling in incredible ways. While we are doing all we can to help, our funds are running low as these extra expenses were not included in our annual budget.
We are estimating a cost of around $15 each week to feed a family of four. Obviously, they are not eating filet mignon. We are trying to provide them with the most nutritious meals as possible, while maintaining a very strict budget. We have provided milk, oil, tuna, sardines, rice, pasta, lentils, sugar, salt, oatmeal, juice, toothpaste and soap, but we hope to also provide fresh fruits, meats, veggies when available. Thankfully, fruits and veggies are rather inexpensive here.
We understand that each of you are struggling with losing jobs, pay cuts etc. and ask that you make sure your family is fed first. If you find that you have extra income and you are in the financial position to help, we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much for your partnership! May you be blessed with abundance!
$15 per week or $60 Month will provide food for a family of 4. Would you consider partnering with us to bless these precious families?
** This food delivery pictured above cost $11.70 per family **